travel, lifestyle, beauty

Friday 1 August 2014

W7 Soufflé mascara

W7 Souffle mascara

You might have noticed I am on the constant hunt for the perfect mascara; but aren't we all? First, I reviewed L'Oreal's Miss Manga before moving on to Makeup Revolution's Amazing Mascara. And now, W7 have kindly sent me their Soufflé mascara* for a whirl.

This mascara aims to 'whip up your lashes', which is nice and fitting for its namesake. I love the colour of the tube, and when I first opened it up, the wand was so big, it kinda scared me. Anyhow, it apparently ensures mega volume and a curl to remember, so I was excited to give it a try. 

W7 Souffle mascara

As with all my mascara posts, I like to show a before and after picture to show exactly how it looks when applied (FYI, I curled my eyelashes after taking the first picture)...

W7 Souffle mascara

While the allure of a gigantic wand is somewhat appealing, I did find it slightly too big, with some of it unavoidably transferring to my eyelid as I applied it - nothing that a cotton bud couldn't fix, but still a little frustrating. 

I thought it glided on well and separated my eyelashes lovely-ly (just love inventing new words); there's nothing worse than a clumper! I found I needed a few coats to build it up and admit that I did find myself wanting to apply more half-way through the day, as it seemed to lose its initial 'oomph' factor as well as the curl, so I would recommend keeping it with you in case. However, I will say I wore it on one of the hottest days we've had so far here in Switzerland so maybe the melting heat didn't help!

W7 Souffle mascara

All in all, I wasn't overwhelmed by this mascara, but at £4.95, it's not a bad daytime mascara and it washed off realtively easily with warm water and my face wash. I probably wouldn't repurchase this in a hurry, but if you are on a budget, it's definitely one to consider.

Have you tried this mascara or any other W7 products? What did you think? I love hearing your comments!

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*sent to me free of charge for review purposes


  1. me too! I'm constantly on the hunt for a great mascara, especially budget ones! the effect is nice on this though.

    Lis xx

    1. Thanks, yeah I do think it's quite nice as a daytime one. I also reviewed a few other mascaras here and here if you're on a mascara hunt :) x

  2. Really pretty and it doesn't look like it's clumpy which is a huge plus. :))

    1. Thank you! Yes, it's not clumpy at all. Huge plus :)

  3. I never heard to the brand W7 until right now on your blog... Loved this review and the mascara isnt too bad I believe its comparable to Essences goodies that are for us on the budget girls..

    Love and clouds.

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Ooh I haven't heard of the Essence brand before. Are they available in Europe/UK? I'll have to check it out! :)


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