travel, lifestyle, beauty

Friday 25 July 2014

Mac Veluxe Pearlfusion Shadow: Pastelluxe

Mac Pearlfusion Shadow

So, errr, I'm not normally one for glittery makeup but when I saw this little Mac Veluxe Pearlfusion Shadow compact shimmering in the sunlight while I was browsing in America, I fell in pastelly, hopelessly love with it.

I do admire the way those wonderful people at Mac have tried to add a bit of normality with the cheeky little beige shade at the bottom there, but soz, it ain't pulling the wool over anyone's peepers. This is disco-ball, shimmery, pastel heaven. The set is even called Pastelluxe, and Mac describe it as giving a 'highly pearlised finish'!

Mac Pearlfusion Shadow

Mac Pearlfusion Shadow

The shadows aren't highly pigmented, so it was pretty difficult to swatch these as you can see. In fact, the colours are that 'barely there' that each shade is not that distinguishable from one another in my opinion. Probably a compact that sells because of how pretty it looks as opposed to the actual quality and/or variety of the shades. However, they are ideal for sweeping lightly over the top of other shadows to add a bit of understated oomph and prettiness, and I also love dabbing some on the inner corners of my eyes to brighten and open them up. I love this trick as it helps to disguise tired eyes and finds the 18-year-old youthful look in me...or so I like to think.

Alternateively, they are quite nice to wear alone for a wet-look kinda thang, as the sparkly shimmery pigment reflects the light beautifully. The shadows are also very long-lasting, staying put throughout a long day.

Mac Pearlfusion Shadow
Swatched from top to bottom: 1. Bright champagne with pearl

Mac Pearlfusion Shadow
3. Peach pink with pearl / 4. Light pink

Mac Pearlfusion Shadow
4. Bright lavendar / 5. Dusty grey

What do you think of this Mac compact? How would you use it? I'd love to hear suggestions!

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  1. You take such a great pictures! :) I'm not a big fan of shimmer eyeshadows, but this colours are really pretty, and I wouldn't mind to have them in my collection :)

    Anja's Beauty World

    1. Thanks for your comment! I agree; I'm not a big shimmer shadow wearer there days, but they're just so pretty and great for adding a subtle sparkle when you need it :)

  2. You're quite adorable. How I'd love to see you in Seventh-Heaven. Meet me Upstairs. God bless you.

    1. Wow, what an interesting comment! I guess I should say thank you. I live in an apartment though so I'm afraid Upstairs is a no go :)


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