travel, lifestyle, beauty

Wednesday 23 April 2014

L'Oréal Miss Manga Mascara

L'Oréal Miss Manga Mascara

Ooooh my first-ever mascara post! I'm putting it out there now that this is likely going to be a pretty short and sweet one from me, because - let's face it - the pictures say it all. I doubt you want to read too much about the packaging, the wand shape, the texture, the blah de blah blah blah, when you can see straight off exactly what you want to see. What does it do to your lashes? Does it lengthen and thicken them? Does it transform them? Does it make you want to never live without it?

SO, I do apologise for exposing you to my dreary 'unmade' eyes, but it had to be done for authenticity purposes of course. I won't even go as far as labelling them 'before' and 'after', because that's just plain insulting :)

L'Oréal Miss Manga Mascara

L'Oréal Miss Manga Mascara

In case you did want to hear me babble on a little bit about my views of the mascara, I actually have to say - and it seems I might be on my own with this one from the reviews I've seen - I'm still not 100% convinced by it. I find the wand itself to be too 'bendy' and flexible, making it a little difficult for me to control the position of my lashes as well as I'd like. I also find the wand doesn't allow much in the way of separation of my lashes, so it can come across as a little clumpy.
Saying all that, one of the plus sides is that it washes off well in comparison to other mascaras I've used in the past (more recently, namely Diorshow, Benefit Bad Gal and Rimmel Scandaleyes) and doesn't leave me with too much of a panda eye thang. It has grown on me as a daytime mascara, but I would probably try a different mascara next time, since who doesn't have a lifetime quest to try them all? 

Have you tried this mascara? What do you think? Can you recommend any I can try next?

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  1. I haven't tried this but I do think that it makes your lashes look nice and bold!
    At the moment I use Maxfactor Masterpiece Max mascara - it's my favourite!
    Rachel x
    Strawberry Sundaes

  2. I think L'Oreal do better mascaras, but I do like it. I found the bendy one a bit annoying, I made a mess!

    Belle ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers


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