travel, lifestyle, beauty

Monday 8 September 2014

Younique Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lashes

Younique Fiber Lashes

When I was contacted by Sarah at Younique about the Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lashes* set, I was intrigued and excited to try it out. I'd never seen a product like it before, and I'm ALWAYS keen to try new mascaras, in case you hadn't already guessed from previous posts (Miss Manga, Makeup Revolution and W7 Souffle).

The set arrived in a smart little leather-style casing, engraved wih Younique's logo - a nice touch and handy to keep both tubes in one place. A little guide was also included, and I have to say that I felt a little overwhelmed initially: a mascara that comes with a special instruction sheet. Should it really involve this much effort? I did wonder if it would be worth it, especially as I quite like to get up and go in the mornings; however, on second thoughts, it was helpful to receive these instructions as this isn't your average mascara after all.

Younique Fiber Lashes

The set consists of transplanting gel (which to me seemed just like a normal mascara) and a tube of natural fibers (from green tea of all things!), which you apply straight after the 'transplanting gel' before it dries. For a better and more long-lasting effect, the guidance recommends you apply a coat of your usual mascara before using this set. I did feel like using a separate mascara of your own beforehand slightly defeated the point, but it seems this is optional.

Younique Fiber Lashes

Younique Fiber Lashes

So, here are some applied pics. I've included a set of before pictures so you can see the difference (note: the before ones include one light layer of mascara as advised).

Younique Fiber Lashes

I was slightly apprehensive of the dreaded 'spider'-lash effect with the slightly more intricate application involved, but I do think it's all in the way you apply and what look you want to achieve. While it was ever so slightly clumpy, I was really happy with the finished look and did feel much more glam than usual. I loved the intensity of the black too. Usually, to me, black is just black, but this somehow seemed 'blacker'!

Here are some snaps of me wearing it on two different occasions.

Younique Fiber Lashes

The mascara and fibers are water-resistant, so I was expecting a bit of a removal struggle (not a fan of the panda-eye look), but I felt this washed off pretty easily with warm water and cleanser.

All in all, I was very pleasantly surprised by this set. While it looks like a lot of effort; once you know what you're doing, it's a doddle, and I'll definitely be using this on nights out when I want my eyes to stand out. In fact, as you can see I've already used it more than once; the before and after pictures were taken the second time I used it (this weekend for my mum's birthday).

Younique will be launching in the UK from 1st October, so I'm intrigued to see how their products will be received! What do you think of these Younique 3D Fiber Lashes? Are they something you'd get on board with? I'd love to hear what you think.

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*sent to me free of charge for review purposes


  1. You already have such gorgeous eyelashes and this set makes them look amazing x

    1. Ah thank you, that's lovely. I am really enjoying using it the more I try it!

  2. Cool! I thought they were falsies, didn't realise they were 2 tubes. I might have a try of these, nice review! xx

    1. Why thank you! Anyone would think we're related or something..all these lovely comments on my posts :) xx

  3. Wow love how the lashes look! The volume is amazing!

    1. Thanks; the more I look at the photos, the more I agree. I am really glad I got a chance to review these :)

  4. Wow, this looks incredible! Gorgeous packaging too!<3

    1. Thanks so much; yeah the packaging is cute and a good way to keep the tubes together! I'd lose one or the other at the bottom of my makeup bag otherwise! :)

  5. I really like the look of these! I think they are a good alternative to false lashes which can be such a pain sometimes x

    1. Totally first I wondered if it would be easier or not, but now I've got the hang of it and know what I'm doing, it is so much easier. I usually struggle with applying lashes, so it's a great alternative!

  6. I was sent the 3D Fiber Lashes as well and have really been enjoying using them :) My review of them will be going up on launch date (October 1st) so feel free to pop over and have a read :) xx

    Brenda BusyBee

    1. Great, look forward to seeing what you have to say about them. Am interested to see how well they go down in the UK :)

  7. Sounds like a must-have! I love it how your lashes come out so beautiful :)


    1. Thanks for stopping by and for the lovely comment! It's definitely turned into a bit of a staple product for me at the moment. Enjoying using them on special nights out :)

  8. Thanks Sarah; looking forward to the launch and seeing what other products Younique have to offer us all :)

  9. They look great! I wonder whether they will be a must have amongst the beauty community!

    Lovely post!



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