travel, lifestyle, beauty

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Healthy hump-day boost!

Tonight, I made myself a healthy carb-free dinner Popeye would be proud of, so I thought I'd share it with you! It's an ideal dinner if you're trying to stick to your New Year's health binge resolution (let's not lie, most of us struggle!), plus my sister is big on eating healthy these days, so she's kinda inspired me body is a temple and all that jazz... 

So, I started off by chopping some onion, courgette, chorizo and pork minute steaks. I am absolutely loving chorizo at the minute; it's such a unique taste and you don't need much to really make a taste sensation (did I actually just say that?!). 

Frying the onion off a little bit first (I'm a sucker for the smell of onions frying), I then added the pork, chorizo and courgettes once I'd had my scent fix!

In the meantime, I took a couple of handfuls of raw spinach leaves - a great alternative to salad leaves and uber healthy - and crumbled some feta on top, along with some dried onion bits for a bit of added crunch!

You might have noticed that cheeky little gherkin sticking out the back...I thought it might add a bit of culinary class to the look, but it looks about as comfortable as me in a pair of skis (more on that in future posts...maybe).

Stirring my masterpiece in the frying pan, I decided to add some sweet chilli sauce for some moisture. I wasn't sure about  mixing this with the chorizo at first but we only live once eh? And it was worth my humble opinion.

Once it was simmering nicely and the pork was clearly cooked through, I spooned a healthy portion atop of the spinach salad...and voilà! In the words of good ol' Gordon: pork, courgettes, onion, chorizo, spinach, feta, onion bits, sweet chilli sauce - DONE. Wellll, ok, doesn't quite work with a lengthy list does it?

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1 comment

  1. Great post!Love your blog,it's very pretty!
    xoxo antonella


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