travel, lifestyle, beauty

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Love is in the pages: Our Q&A a day

Since the big V day is coming up, I thought it would be nice to share this cute little book I received for Christmas.  

It's more of a journal than a book, but the unique ooh-la-la factor is that it's compiled by not only you, but your boyfi/husby/partner too. The idea is that you both fill it in over three different timepoints (could be year after year, every 5 years, or every few decades if you're feeling optimistic!); there are different questions/promps for each day followed by two sets of different-coloured lines (to distinguish between you and your guest filler-inner).

Since I love the idea of writing down my thoughts (who woulda thunk it?) and reflecting back on memories, this really was the ideal gift for me. Perfect if you're a fan of occasional slush and sentimentality!
To top it off, it looks so pretty too, without being too girly for the opposite sex to avoid. Anywho, with the joys of social media and the beautiful <iPhone/Blackberry/Nokia 3210/walkie talkie/two cans and a string> generation, it's easy enough to drop a quick message to your other half to request their response, leaving you to fill it out on their behalf without the worry of scruffy handwriting festering among the pages (or to simply save their time/effort obvs *cough*).
You can get hold of the book here, if you're interested. 

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  1. This is a really cute idea, although I don't think my boyfriend would go for it, he's not really into that sort of stuff, but if you had a boyfriend that would then it would be really nice to do.

    1. Thanks...yes I absolutely love it! Such a sweet way to record memories and viewpoints over different timepoints. Thanks for taking the time to read...hope to see you back again! :)

  2. This is such a commitment! Knowing me I'll probably forget..
    Make sure to check out my blog!


    1. Yes, it takes some time and effort, but if you keep up with it each day, it's pretty easy! Thanks for the link...your blog looks following you via bloglovin and Google now. Looking forward to reading more! :)

  3. I love that! I should tell my boyfriend about it! Great post dear x

    1. Thanks Cristina. It's definitely worth buying...cute idea if you can persuade him to get involved :)

  4. Love this, If only I wasn't single! :( x

    1. Don't wish your singledom away...make the most of it while it lasts :) Thanks for your comment. Your blog looks cool...following you on bloglovin' now so looking forward to reading more. x

  5. Such an interesting and cute gift! Someone will be getting this next Christmas in my family! Haha. x

    The Beauty Scrapbook

    1. Isn't it...i heart it!! Thanks for commenting and sharing your blog link...just checked you following you via Google, bloglovin' and Twitter (may aswell go the whole hog lol)! x

  6. Lovely gift! Sounds very sweet and creative!
    Check out my blog whenever you get the chance, we could follow each other if you want

    1. Yup, it was one of my fave Xmas pressies :) I just checked out your the design...following you on bloglovin' and Google so yes feel free to follow me if you like what you see :) x

  7. This is such a cute idea.. Would definitely be getting this if I wasn't single.. :) x

    Rachael | ♥

    1. I fell in love with it when I got it! Thanks for commenting anyway...i'm all for checking new blogs out so am now following you (Twitter, bloglovin' & Google). Love your latest 'what's in my bag' post! Look forward to more! x

  8. I love this idea! Going to talk the BF into this..

  9. Awesome, thanks for sharing this, I think it's sooo cool! I suck at remember to write in something daily but I suppose if I bought this I'd make more of an effort haha.



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