travel, lifestyle, beauty

Friday 10 October 2014

The ultimate guide to 2014's beauty advent calendars

Yes, I know it's far too early to be talking Christmas already, but this is one post I don't mind writing! It's my birthday on the first day of advent, so when I found out about the variety of alternative advent calendars on the market, I got a little bit excited about adding them to my birthday wishlist! After hearing about Benefit's super gorgeous one soon to grace our presence (praying I'll be lucky enough to grab one of the 8000 released), I decided to have a nose to see what else was available...and here are the fruits of my Googling!

FYI, I've purposefully tried to include images that don't show the contents; let's not lie, we're all kids at heart and love the surprise factor!

First off, just in case you haven't heard about it yet (have you been hiding?), Benefit's Candy Coated Countdown advent calendar is priced at £60 but holds 24 mini treasures to the value of nearly £110, so it's definitely worthy!

Benefit advent calendar

Available from Boots on 29th October, No 7's 25 Days of Beauty Secrets is probably one of the most appealing ones, purely for its quality. At only £35, it packs a value of £130 worth of skincare and makeup goodies including the best-selling Protect and Perfect range. Tempted much?

No7 advent calendar

W7 has only recently been on my radar but I've been pretty impressed by the budget brand and have reviewed a few of their products before (lipstick, chunky lips, mascara, nail art set). At only £19.99 (currently £16.99 on Fragrance Direct), their offering includes nail polishes, lip gloss, glitter pots, mascara and various other bits of make up, ideal for the festive season. This would make for a great calendar for the younger generation.

W7 advent calendar

Selfridges Enchanted Spells advent calendar is available now at £85 and features 24 luxurious skincare, makeup, and fragrance treats from the likes of YSL, Kiehl's, Urban Decay and Lancôme. Not bad at all if you're a fan of high-end brands.

Selfridges advent calendar

The Jo Malone advent calendar is like the Rolls Royce of calendars price-wise. At a hefty £250, it delivers 24 treats in a combination of creams and fragrances. For your dollar, you're gifted with a pretty Georgian townhouse design, and it's available nationwide on 10th November or earlier from Harrods.

Jo Malone advent calendar

The Elemis 12 Days of Beauty set offers slightly less excitement with only 12 gifts, but the sample sizes are quite generous so you're still in for high-end treats, especially since it's worth double the cost (£59.50, with a value of £113).

Elemis advent calendar

Ciaté's Mini Mani Manor is usually a super popular choice and features a gorgeous pretty Christmas house design, consisting of festive nail transfers and polishes for a reasonable £49. Personally, I'll be holding off on this and hopefully picking it up in the sales (I saw last year's on Fragrance Direct for a fraction of the price!).

Ciate advent calendar

Available now, 24 Days of Joy is one I'm definitely considering, as The Body Shop will donate 4p to their charity partner War Child (sending children in war-affected areas to school) for every one sold, which is a brilliant incentive and also applies to other selected gifts. It's £50 with a product value of £83, featuring creams, body butters, fragrance, oils and nail colour!

Body Shop advent calendar

L'Occitane en Provence is another lower quantity offering. However, I do like their justification; it features not 12, but 13 products, in line with the Provençal tradition to present 13 deserts on the festive table! It's nice to tie it in to the brand, and obviously nice to know we won't be the only ones munching on cake and goodies at Christmas time. At £45, you have to wait until 3rd November for this one.

L'Occitane advent calendar

And this last one isn't necessarily beauty related, but it's one I can't help but share! It's a standalone 3D house (too cool!) full of Yankee tea light goodness at £24.99. Heaven! It seems to be out of stock on the official site, but it's sold on Temptation Gifts a little cheaper and on Amazon too.

Yankee advent calendar

I've also just heard about the 12 Days of Christmas from Lush (£49.95). I'm admittedly a tad late to the Lush bandwagon as I've only recently started using their products more frequently, but I bladdy love them! Again, this isn't necessarily beauty, but who can resist their gorgeous products? 

Lush advent calendar

Will you be treating yourself to one of these beauties this winter? Which one is your top pick?

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  1. The Selfridges one sounds amazing but so expensive! I think I might try and get a Yankee Candle one if they haven't sold out everywhere.

    Abi xo |

    1. Ah I don't blame you...I'm really craving Yankee candles atm! It seems pretty good value too :)

  2. Thanks for this post; it was really handy to see them all listed together like this. Of course, now I want all of them, but oh well. I actually don't think I'll be getting one at all this year (budget doesn't allow), but I'd definitely be most tempted by the Benefit or The Body Shop ones!


    1. No problem at all...really glad it was helpful for's always nice to hear, especially when the post took some time to put together! :)

  3. I've never tried a beauty advent calendar but I really want to this year! The Body Shop looks like an interesting one to me. But I don't wanna be buying it this early on if I'm being completely honest as I know I will have it open within a matter of days. I'm just a nosey cat like that x

    Beauty with charm | TOOFACED GIVEAWAY

    1. Haha I totally get where you're coming from. It's definitely testing knowing all the goodies are in there! Let me know if you get the Body Shop one; would love to hear what you think!

  4. That Jo Malone calender has shot right to the top of my *NeverGoingToHappenWishlist*. But I might treat myself to one of the others!

    Amanda Leigh - Desperately Seeking Something

    1. Haha, tell me about it. The prie is crazy but I do love JM scents..just can't justify buying them lol :)

  5. This post is so festive! They all look so good but some are so pricey! I'm a sucker for chocolate so the chocolate ones are for me haha, these all look brilliant it's just the price that scares me!
    Shannon Murray

    1. Thanks for your lovely comment. I agree...they are a bit overpriced and all because it's Christmas, but they do make them look so tempting! I've resisted so far but not sure for how long :)

  6. Eeek i want a beauty advent calender sooo much! Definitely after the benefit or body shop ones, i just don't know if i can justify all the money for some products i probably wont use hmm! Great post though cannot wait for Christmas :) xxx

    1. Ah I know...i'm hearing this so much, and I completely agree about the price! It's tempting to save the money and buy lots of bits and bobs from each place instead lol!

  7. I would love to get one this year! Might have to start saving now.. Benefit or Yankee Candle? That'll be my hardest decision
    Reinventing Neesha ♥

    1. The pain is real! I'm also in the same boat :)

  8. Oh my gosh, they all seem incredible! I might wait and try and snap one up in the sales :)

    Style Sunrise☀


    1. This is my plan I think...I'm sure there'll be some knocking about :)

  9. These are super cool, Im not much of a christmas fan (some people call me scruge) but these are so adorable and fun! I love the Yankee one and the Selfridges one is so stunning xxx

    1. Yeah those are gorgeous ones...I love something about all of them, which makes it harder! We can all dream though :)

  10. That seems like so much fun! I never tried them before but it really makes me want to buy them, haha ;)


    1. Doesn't it? I hadn't really heard too much about these before I started blogging but they're amazing...just a shame they aren't as cheap as the chocolate versions!

  11. Amazing! the problem is, I would properly open every door on the same day.. haha!

    1. Haha, great minds! I'd find it hard to resist myself.

  12. This has got me super excited for christmas! I never realised there is so many advents available like these! x

    1. Aww glad to hear it! I got excited writing it...just wish I had them all to open for the countdown lol!

  13. What a useful post!! I hope to be treating myself to one :) xo

    1. Thanks. Great...i'd love to hear what one you get and what you think if you do manage to get one :)

  14. So useful to read your Advert Calendar pick! The Jo Malone one looks SO pretty! I also really like the Benefit one!

    Glam O’Clock | Beauty Blog

    1. Thank you...really glad you found it helpful! :)


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