travel, lifestyle, beauty

Monday 10 March 2014

Basel Fasnacht carnival, Switzerland

I'm currently working in Switzerland and living across the border in France, and one of the highlights of Basel's calendar is their three-day Fasnacht festival, which is a sea colour, of crazy oversized masks, heaps and heaps of confetti (I can't stress that enough - you literally find it in the back of your drawers months later!) and endless music serenading the cobbled streets and its hundreds of spectators. Locally, it's known as 'the three most beautiful days'.

It starts on the first Monday after Ash Wednesday, and since today marks the start of the festival this year, I thought it would be a nice idea if I shared some of my snaps from last year's celebrations.

Liestal town hosts a fire parade the evening before the official start of Fasnacht, where torch-bearers and blazing wagons are hauled along the pitch-black streets. It really is a sight to see, and creates an excitement among the crowds. I for one couldn't believe the size of the fires and fact the parade is actually allowed considering the health and safety issues - but that's coming from a Brit where I know pretty much everything is a no-no in the UK!

The Morgestraich marks the official beginning of the Fasnacht festival, and it all kicks off at precisely 4am, when every single light in the old town of Basel is switched off. This is where I think it feels a bit eerie and totally extraordinary, but it's all the more exciting! Groups of people, also knows as Cliques, then begin slowly marching the streets playing piccolos and drums (very Pied-Piper esque), all the while donning head lanterns and following the large wheel-mounted lanterns that lead the way for each clique. It's worth pointing out that this is a really serious tradition in Basel, and the bands actually rehearse and work on their lanterns and costumes all year round, so you can just imagine how coordinated and entertaining it is! 

The lanterns are painstakingly painted with images that revolve around themes (or sujets) from the past year. Lighthearted and often sarcastic, you often hear all the in-the-know locals laughing or spotting themes they recognise, while tourists or the less-informed like moi can only really appreciate the quality of the paintings...or chuckle along with the locals, pretending you get it :)

Spot the London bus and the Rolling Stones artwork? Yes, I'll admit it, I got a little giddy when I spotted something I recognised in the midst of all the madness!

I have to say the whole carnival is such a unique atmosphere, full of mischief and fun. All at the same time, it manages to carry an air of mystery, since it's actually considered totes inappropriate for anyone to see the participants behind the masks. 

As you can see, some of the masks are actually quite terrifying, but it just adds to the bizarre experience. I heard that the masks are often handed down through generations and diligently stripped and repainted each year. I'm not sure they'd smell all that pretty if this is the case though!

Have you heard of the Fasnacht festival? Do you like the look of it? I'd definitely recommend it if you ever plan on visiting Switzerland!

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  1. Great post! I've never seen anything like this before!
    Beth x

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment. Yes, it's so much fun and everyone gets in the spirit so it's a really good atmosphere! x


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