travel, lifestyle, beauty

Friday 14 March 2014

If Carlsberg did beauty tips...

Let's talk about 'the snip' (not the awks kind). I may be the one of the last people to pick up on this cracker of a tip, but if I'm not then I'd be honoured to share it! I figured I should write something useful...

Anyway, this golden nugget of a tip actually came from my mum who saw it mentioned on Channel 4's Super Scrimpers a while back. I'm a bit thrifty and absolutely love a bargain or a way to make the most out of things, so my mum delivered the goods when she told me about this...

Now, I love my creams just as much as the next girl, so when I'm running low it's about as ideal as a closed shop on payday, especially if your cream isn't the cheapest on the market. I can spend day after day rolling the end of the tube up, determined to squeeze every last bit of product out of it (it's gotta be done!).
But, wait! This is where the *magic* can happen if you're feeling daring. In the dead of night, when no one is looking, sneak some scissors to your secret hiding place, double-check you aren't being watched by the packaging police, and then - in one, fell swoop - snip the top half off, about two thirds up the tube. And breathe...

Simple as that.
I guarantee you'll get more use out of that miracle cream. I've tried to demonstrate below just how much can be hiding...I was genuinely struggling to squeeze more out of this but I just knew there had to be some left...and there is still a fair bit left!
You might feel a tad stingy for resorting to such measures, but that smugness you feel when you give your tube the snip and find another little dollop of cream left is 100% worth it!

After, treat the part you've snipped off as a lid and gently secure the tube in place to keep your cream covered and protected from drying out. Simples!

So. Errrr. That's it.  My top tip! The simplest thing I never would have thought of because it's just not natural to cut make-up/skincare packaging up (it's so priddy); plus, I just always used to assume there was nothing left, until now, muhahahahaaa. So next time, go on...go a rebel...your skin (and bank balance) will be chuffed you did!

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  1. Great tip! I was just about to throw out an Efficlar Duo because I thought it was all gone but maybe not! Thanks :) Love from a new follower xx

    1. Thanks a lot for your comment :) Yep, deffo give it a try...let me know how it goes! x

  2. I love this, such a great post title. This is such a great tip! I just tried this on my BB cream as I thought I had run out and there's easily 2 weeks worth left.
    Beth x

    1. Thanks Beth..thought the title was pretty apt! Glad to hear you found the tip useful too...i'm at it all the time now lol :) Danielle x

  3. I do this all the time I'll admit it's such a good tip, it's crazy how much more product you can get out!

    Salted Roses // UK Fashion Blog

    1. Thanks for your comment! Yeah it really's so simple! I'm sure the make-up brands are hating us right now for holding out longer before repurchasing lol :) Danielle x

  4. I completely agree with this tip-- I've been doing it forever. I do it with my more expensive products, or when I'm in an "emergency" situation and I'm down to the last drop of my product that I don't have a backup of. It really is crazy how much product can be hiding in the tube even after you've squeezed the life out of it. Haha. :)

    xo, Sarah
    Hustla, baby.

    1. I'm glad i'm not the only one doing this...such a good idea, but one i'd never thought of before! Thanks for reading and commenting :) x

  5. love your blog, it looks really good! i hope mine will be as good one day :)

    I would love it if you would stop by <3

    1. Thanks for your lovely nice to get feedback. Your blog is also lovely; your DIY decor is fab! :)

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks so much for your lovely comment...glad you like it :)

  7. Thank you so much for sharing this! Such a good tip. I must waste so much product every time I think I've used something up.

    Hannah x

    1. Thanks for your comment. Glad to hear the tip has helped! Love the blog name btw :) x

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Great tip...I just hate it when your pumping your glass foundation or serum bottles to death knowing there is more inside but you can't get to it! xoxo

    1. Thank you! And yes..tell me about it with bottles...if only there was an easy, safe way to get into them! :)

  10. Agree about cutting off the cream tube! :D You know what, I first got the idea from my boyfriend who happens to do that to his facial wash tube for a long time. I decided to do the same thing to my facial wash and he's right, there's plenty which is enough to use for about 2 weeks. And now, I do the same trick to all my beauty products in tube packaging and I can save some money for other pretty things ;)

    1. Thanks for your comment! your boyfriend sounds like a keeper ;)


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