travel, lifestyle, beauty

Wednesday 5 March 2014

My, my, my OPI!

This is the second and final part of my OPI San Francisco posts; check the first one out here for my take on the stunning red shade as well as the shade I was feeling a bit more wary about wearing...somewhere (see what I did there? I got me some heterography skills. You can read what that means here if you really want to; I had to Google it myself after getting sidetracked while writing this!). Aaaannnyway...

In the Cable Car-Pool Lane
This colour is one of my favourites. It's like a sophisticated somewhere inbetween red and pink, almost burgundy, colour (if anyone knows what colour this actually is, please do enlighten me). I actually think this is also a lovely colour for toes (because there are a few colours that I wouldn't wear on my toes; am I alone there?)!

In the Cable Car-Pool Lane

Muir Muir on the Wall
This one is probably my least favourite; the deep brown colour just isn't that appealing to me, though maybe two layers is too much (wow, heterography again, what is going on?!). If it wasn't for the shimmer effect of this colour though, I'd probably go as far as avoiding it in favour of other colours. However, if you lust after that designer look, I think it's really similar in colour to the Petra shade from the Marc Jacobs Enamoured Nail Lacquer range (does anyone actually use the term 'nail lacquer' in real life, really, really?).

Muir Muir on the Wall

As I mentioned in my last post, I used two coats to maximise each colour, but you might get away with one if you don't want too deep a colour. I think all of these colours applied really smoothly, and didn't clog up or dry too fast between layers. However, I'll be completely honest and admit that OPI is probably the highest-end brand of varnishes I own! Who knows? Maybe I'll update this post if when I become the queen of varnishes. One day. Oh yes. 

Which colour is your favourite out of the set? Do you recommend any other OPI shades I can try?

Oh and if you like my stacker rings, I bought these from my beautiful sister who makes jewellery with her own bare hands (skills!); she makes some gorgeous pieces which you can check out here on Etsy if you are looking for something a little different and one of a kind.

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