travel, lifestyle, beauty

Monday 24 March 2014

It all makes perfect scents!

I like to smell pretty...pritttty sure we all do, so it makes sense (or scents if we're being clever!) to blog about my favourite smells. I have to admit, I don't really buy perfumes according to the time of year; I just buy what I like (or, more precisely, add the ones I like to my Christmas wishlist!). You're still going to smell nice, regardless of the weather right? Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there are scents that are nice for different times of the year, just like there are day and night scents, but let's be real - perfumes cost a pretty penny! 

So, without further ado, my current favourite perfumes are:

Miss Dior - Dior (EDP)
This is obviously a high-end perfume so definitely one to save pennies for but definitely worth it if you want to smell stunning...and for a decent amount of time. I love how this scent clings to my skin all night long. 

Jasmine, rose and fruity mandarin orange scents make up this liquid gorgeousness; Boots sum it up nicely when they say it's characterised by an instant and captivating charm that develops in the most intense and astonishing way. I think it's an elegant perfume but a bold one too, and it makes me feel just bootiful. What  more could you want in a perfume?

Just Pink - Next (EDP)
If you don't know already (unlikely), this bad boy is a big, big dupe for Ralph Lauren's Romance perfume (you might say it even looks like Ralph's version!), and it smells absolutely gorgeous - sweet, fresh, floral and ermm pink, epitomising femininity!

I like to wear this to work. I don't feel it lasts as long as higher-end perfumes, but since it's so cheap (£12 for 75ml), I'm less bothered about using it up and spritzing whenever I feel the need to.

Si Lolita - Lolita Lempicka (EDP)
I happened to smell this in the airport when travelling back to the UK, and I fell in love with it! I'd never even heard of the Lolita brand before, so I think it spoke even more to me the fact it wasn't as commercial as other 'big names' if that makes sense.

It's fresh but gentle, and a sweet scent still lingers on my skin after a whole day's wear. I just love it, and I've never smelt anything like it, so it's a great scent if you're looking for something different.

Announced as feminine, subtle and ethereal, this really is a perfect description! If only technology was magic enough that you could smell it through my blog as you read this haha.

Lola - Marc Jacobs (EDP)
This was my go-to date-night perfume, until it ran out. I'm including it because it deserves a cheeky mention and it's just too nice not to. 

I love the packaging of all of Marc Jacobs's perfumes; they just look so unreserved - if they were people, they'd be the life and soul of the party and you'd want to know more about them! The same goes for the smell; it's rich, sexy and confident but definitely one for the evening (too overpowering for daywear). If one of the SATC girls were to wear it, it'd be Samantha! 

I'm no expert in all the 'notes' jargon, so I'll just say it's a sultry floral. It might best be summed up by Fragrance Direct who say it's seductive and alluring and blooms with luxuriant Fuschia Peony.

What are your favourite perfumes at the minute? Do any of these make your list?

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  1. Nice run down there, I think I might have to get 'Miss Dior' after smelling it, I want to like the Lolita one too but I think I need another whiff to make up my mind! x

    1. Why thank you! Yes, deffo give Lolita a second chance :) i'll let you smell my last drop next time you're round :) xx

  2. I heard a lot of good about this perfum :) I wanna try some of them :)

    1. Thank you for commenting. Yes, they're lovely perfumes. I definitely recommend you test them if you're looking for something different :)

  3. I have always wanted the Miss Dior the bottle is so gorgeous...really want it. great post


    1. Yes, it's gorgeous isn't it! Such a pretty bottle, and it smells absolutely gorgeous and really lasts! Highly recommended :)


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